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Sunday, 2/9/2025, 9am - Radio 2050

April Ramee
April Ramee

April Ramee shares her journey from working as an accountant to becoming a herbalist and muse. April describes her approach to medicine as Psychedelic Herbalism. Slightly different from standard clinical herbalism, she takes clients on a journey of self-discovery and helps them understand truths about themselves. She shares her personal journey overcoming alcohol addiction, and how plant medicines played a role in her healing. April describes a muse as an outside force that comes in and gives information, an inspiring force. A muse could be an angel or other ethereal force, but also a human being.

● April defines medicine as a way to create homeostasis in our body and allow it to heal itself. Herbs can be helpful in navigating external changes and stress that may arise from personal growth and psychedelic experiences.

● Psychedelics can break down blocks, open the mind, and challenge our perceptions, facilitating transformative experiences.

● April believes that addiction is a very normal part of life, and perhaps we need to shift how we look at it: "Addiction is a form of passion that wants to be lived out." We often blame our addictions for aspects of ourselves we don't like.